Sunday, September 8, 2013

 Ephesians 1:5 declares, “He predestinated us for adoption through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of His will.” (ESV).
Someone asked Dr. Gresham Machen, founder of Westminster Seminary, “How do you reconcile God’s Sovereignty and free will?
Machen answered, “I don’t, because I’m not sitting on God’s throne.”
That doesn’t mean we believe in contradictions, it’s just we know things that we cannot completely grasp. (Deuteronomy 29:29). For years scientists didn’t know why aspirin worked (until around 1970). Or how Bumble Bees fly (1980).  Yet, they didn’t deny the phenomenon.
This we all can agree upon. God in love knew all about us.  We look back and see God’s hand.  IT IS A COMFORT TO US.  (That’s how the 39 Articles  of the Church of England explain it).  Our responsibility is to repent and believe Jesus. You know you’re elected, when you believe upon Him.

(There is the fallacy of "symmetrical logic".  Where some one says one thing is true, therefore another  thing must follow.) God chose us, but never CHOSE ANYONE TO GO TO HELL!
 If a person goes to hell, it’s because He resisted God and lived his own way.  At the end the Lord gives him his wish:  Exist without God’s presence and comfort for the fires of Hell.  Those who go to Hell, sent themselves there!  It's like being burned with fire and sulfuric acid forever!

Sprugeon, as usual, put it best.  When we approach heaven. the sign over the gate reads, “Whosoever Will May Come.”  When we get to the other side of the sign, it reads, “Elect from the foundation of the World”.
P.S. Next topic:  “Limited Atonement, a Horrible Misunderstanding”

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