Saturday, September 14, 2013


My aim in this series on “Calvinism” is not to convince people of a certain theology.  I want to show that there is a basic understanding and unity among all of God’s people.  In fact I will go so far as to state that the problem of division is often ignorance and pride, grieving the Holy Spirit!

Historically, Calvin or the Reformers NEVER USED OR HEARD OF THE TERM “LIMITED ATONEMENT”!  The phrase came from an Englishman, who wanted to invent a memory device for the five counter positions the Calvinist answer to the Arminians of Holland. He came up with the pneumonic, T.U.L.I.P.  Hence, “limited atonement.”  Psychologically, the worst term to be used.  

Dr. Al Martin, was for years the godly Pastor of the large Trinity Baptist Church, Montclair, N.J.  He was actually awarded an honorary D.D. degree from Westminster Seminary for his ministry and strong “Calvinism.”  Brother Martin, a long-time friend, once exclaimed to me, “I’d like to find the man who invented the term “limited atonement” and string Him up!” 

What did the Reformers teach? They taught that  Christ’s death was “sufficient for all.”  Calvin wrote that Christ’s death was worth not just our world, but ten thousand worlds.  However, not all Adam’s race will be saved, but only those who believe. 

Let’s look at John 3:16, “FOR GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD, HE GAVE HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON, THAT WHOSOEVER BELIEVETH IN HIM SHALL NOT PERISH…”  The design of the Atonement was to save only those who believe!  The Reformers, like all sound Christians, were standing against a “universalism” that taught all would be saved by the cross, including the Devil.

No!  Sadly, those who will not heed the invitation to come and follow Christ are lost , lost forever, despite His priceless death for Adam’s race.  But to the weary in sin and wanting forgiveness and restoration, as the Old gospel song states, “there is room at the cross for you!”
P.S. Next Week, we’ll look at the Victory of the Cross, and why Spurgeon taught there will be more in heaven than in hell???

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