Saturday, September 28, 2013



This is our last study on CALVINISM and ARMINIANISM and the practical truths  we can learn as we investigate the Bible.  It might be surprising, but the term “Eternal Security” is a rather new one, coming out of the nineteenth century. The term isn’t bad, but it only tells one part of the story. My theology professor, Dr. J. Oliver Buswell, Jr., stated , ‘WE DON’T BELIEVE IN THE ETERNAL SECURITY OF A RELIGOUS EXPERIENCE.”


If we look at Scripture we read “he that overcomes shall inherit all things” (New Heaven and Earth. Revelation 21:7).  John 3:16 in the literal Greek reads “he that continues to believe in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”  The analogy of Jesus that He is the vine and we are the branches.  If we aide or remain in Him bear fruit, but those who do not are taken and burned (John 15:5-6).  Becoming a Christian means you decide to follow Jesus!   “If any one decides to come after me, let them deny themselves, take up their cross daily, and follow me.”(Matthew 16:24).
So far both sides of historic Christianity are agreed.  We are not saved only because we in a moment of time said we believed on Christ.  We then prove that statement by following Him.


Jesus said that all who were given to Him will come to Him, and one who “comes to me I will in no wise cast out.” (John 6:37).  Jesus again promised to those who come to Him, “I give to them eternal life, and they shall NEVER PERISH, and neither shall anyone snatch them out of my  hand.”  (John 10:28).  Paul writes  He that began a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ” ( Philippians 1:6)
Remaining saved is God’s sovereign promise and grace is evident by our continuance  in  believing and following Him.  We call this  the PRESERVAITION AND PERSEVERANCE OF THE BELIEVER.

I like what their Faith and Message (Confession of Faith of the southern Baptists) renders about the security and perseverance of the believer.  “All true believers endure to the end---(they) may fall into sin through neglect or temptation---yet, they shall be kept by the power of God through faith---“

Here’s the deal!  You have more assurance you are saved when you’re walking with the Lord and you can see Him working in you (II Peter 1:10).  However, as one Anglican minister said long ago.  If you see little fruit of the Spirit in your life, and its winter time in your soul, don’t look to the evidences.   Look to the cross and Jesus’ blood as the basis of your certainty and the source of strengthening you for victory! 

 O.k. Let’s get up and keep going, following Jesus! Regardless of what position you take, WE KNOW HE IS WITH US EVERY STEP OF THE WAY AND WE LOOK TO HIM TO KEEP US!

Saturday, September 21, 2013



The worst comment I ever read about the cross was from the late Dr. Noel Smith in the Baptist Bible Tribune. He stated that Christ died on the cross for sinners, and most reject Him.  “God did all He could do.  He failed!”

No, according to my Bible he didn’t! Jesus said that of all the Father gave to Him, “I should lose nothing” John 6:39.  All those who would believe, the Father gave to the Son!  They will ALL be saved!  The cross was victorious.

What about Spurgeon’s comment, that there will be more in heaven than hell?  Didn’t our Lord tell that few find the way of salvation? (Matthew 7:14).

Let’s see how the Cross works.  There are two heads of the human race.  Adam sinned and all the human race was plunged into darkness with him.  “As in Adam all die.” (I Corinthinas 15:22).

So Christ as the last Adam ( I Corinthians 15:45) took the place of the human race and died a death that was worth this world and "ten thousand worlds." (Calvin).  Now the condition to receive this gift is to be “in Christ”.  That means a rational person must repent and trust in Christ to be saved.

What about infants and young children who die before they have a mental capacity to understand the Gospel and their own sin?  (Like those first graders who were shot by that monster in  Connecticut?) Up to the twentieth century more infants died than lived. This is STILL true today in “developing” nations. What about the mentally “challenged” or  many psychotics?  The penalty  of the human race was paid in Christ. Yet, these  have no mental capacity to comprehend the responsibility of the gospel. I believe that God saves them, and they are placed “in Christ”!

“Where sin abounded, grace did much more abound” Romans 5:20.  Historically, more infants have died than adults, even today in much of the world.  If we take also the mentally helpless, I believe Christ is victorious in bringing them to glory as well.  Therefore, I agree with Spurgeon that more will be in heaven than hell.

Saturday, September 14, 2013


My aim in this series on “Calvinism” is not to convince people of a certain theology.  I want to show that there is a basic understanding and unity among all of God’s people.  In fact I will go so far as to state that the problem of division is often ignorance and pride, grieving the Holy Spirit!

Historically, Calvin or the Reformers NEVER USED OR HEARD OF THE TERM “LIMITED ATONEMENT”!  The phrase came from an Englishman, who wanted to invent a memory device for the five counter positions the Calvinist answer to the Arminians of Holland. He came up with the pneumonic, T.U.L.I.P.  Hence, “limited atonement.”  Psychologically, the worst term to be used.  

Dr. Al Martin, was for years the godly Pastor of the large Trinity Baptist Church, Montclair, N.J.  He was actually awarded an honorary D.D. degree from Westminster Seminary for his ministry and strong “Calvinism.”  Brother Martin, a long-time friend, once exclaimed to me, “I’d like to find the man who invented the term “limited atonement” and string Him up!” 

What did the Reformers teach? They taught that  Christ’s death was “sufficient for all.”  Calvin wrote that Christ’s death was worth not just our world, but ten thousand worlds.  However, not all Adam’s race will be saved, but only those who believe. 

Let’s look at John 3:16, “FOR GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD, HE GAVE HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON, THAT WHOSOEVER BELIEVETH IN HIM SHALL NOT PERISH…”  The design of the Atonement was to save only those who believe!  The Reformers, like all sound Christians, were standing against a “universalism” that taught all would be saved by the cross, including the Devil.

No!  Sadly, those who will not heed the invitation to come and follow Christ are lost , lost forever, despite His priceless death for Adam’s race.  But to the weary in sin and wanting forgiveness and restoration, as the Old gospel song states, “there is room at the cross for you!”
P.S. Next Week, we’ll look at the Victory of the Cross, and why Spurgeon taught there will be more in heaven than in hell???

Sunday, September 8, 2013

 Ephesians 1:5 declares, “He predestinated us for adoption through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of His will.” (ESV).
Someone asked Dr. Gresham Machen, founder of Westminster Seminary, “How do you reconcile God’s Sovereignty and free will?
Machen answered, “I don’t, because I’m not sitting on God’s throne.”
That doesn’t mean we believe in contradictions, it’s just we know things that we cannot completely grasp. (Deuteronomy 29:29). For years scientists didn’t know why aspirin worked (until around 1970). Or how Bumble Bees fly (1980).  Yet, they didn’t deny the phenomenon.
This we all can agree upon. God in love knew all about us.  We look back and see God’s hand.  IT IS A COMFORT TO US.  (That’s how the 39 Articles  of the Church of England explain it).  Our responsibility is to repent and believe Jesus. You know you’re elected, when you believe upon Him.

(There is the fallacy of "symmetrical logic".  Where some one says one thing is true, therefore another  thing must follow.) God chose us, but never CHOSE ANYONE TO GO TO HELL!
 If a person goes to hell, it’s because He resisted God and lived his own way.  At the end the Lord gives him his wish:  Exist without God’s presence and comfort for the fires of Hell.  Those who go to Hell, sent themselves there!  It's like being burned with fire and sulfuric acid forever!

Sprugeon, as usual, put it best.  When we approach heaven. the sign over the gate reads, “Whosoever Will May Come.”  When we get to the other side of the sign, it reads, “Elect from the foundation of the World”.
P.S. Next topic:  “Limited Atonement, a Horrible Misunderstanding”