Friday, December 16, 2011


Our universe has spiral galaxies, such as our own.  The center revolves faster than the arms.  If the Universe was 13.7 billion years, than the galaxies would be tightly wrapped up.  A younger universe seems to match this

 The great amount of comets.  Comets exist for 50-100,000 years.  They are not being formed now. The great amount of comets challenges the claim that the universe is 13.7 billion years old.

 Blue stars are not being formed.  These stars exist for 100 million years.  If the universe is billions of years than we should not have any blue stars in existence.

The universe is surprisingly of uniform temperature.  Starlight could not attach to other stars in 13.7 billion years.  Scientists, who support a "big bang" view of the origins, have hypothesized that light may have reached higher speeds in the past.  This hypothesis also fits a young earth view that the presence of starlight which takes millions of years to reach our planet, may have existed in more recent years with the higher speeds of  light.

Next time we will look at evidence of the earth for a young planet.

Saturday, November 19, 2011


We've gone over the text of Genesis one, which I believe conveys 24-hour literal days of creation.  Are there any scientific evidences that match a normal, grammatical reading of Genesis?  There are!  In the next few blogs I am going to list them, plainly and briefly.  We'll start with the sky!

  Dr. Jason Lisle (astrophysicist) shows that the MOON drifts two feet each year from the earth. It's claimed that life appeared on the planet 3.5 billion years ago.  That couldn't happen.  If we run two feet a year back toward earth, then 3.5 billion years ago, THE MOON WOULD BE ATTACHED TO THE EARTH AND LIFE WOULD BE UNSUSTAINABLE.  However, if the earth is really a few thousand years old, there's no problem.

 The SUN has been shrinking.  Measuring the rate of that shrinkage, and going back in time to a million or so years would mean that life couldn't exist then.  However, if the earth is only a few thousand year there's no problem.

 LET'S LOOK AT OUR ATMOSPHERE.  If earth is 4.5 billion years old, there would not be  helium-4 in our atmosphere. Helium-4 dissipates rapidly.  However, as A.J. Montey-White, Ph.D. (gas kinetics, Uni. of Wales) observed, this could only be possible if our world and solar system was only a few thousand years old.  This also is true with the abundant presence of carbon 14, which only can exist for maybe 50,000 years!

THE DECAY OF OUR MAGNETIC FIELD.  Dr. Russell Humphrey (astrophycist) has measured the rate of decay of earth's magnetic field.  If the earth was 4.5 billion years old, the magnetic field would be too strong for the existence of life. However, if earth is a few thousand years old, there's no problem.  Before the Voyager Humphrey calculated the magnetic fields of Uranus, based on a 6,000 year old solar system.  Humphrey was found to be absolutely correct when Voyager passed Uranus and measured the fields.

NEXT TIME WE WILL TAKE THE TELESCOPE AND SEE MORE EVIDENCE THAT IS IN HARMONY WITH A BIBLICAL DATING OF EARTH   I'd love to have your comments. Take a few seconds and write your response to what I've reported.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Are the Days of Genesis Literal (continued)

How would an ordinary Hebrew hearing Genesis One interpret the creative days?  First they are numbered and form a week.Every passage of Scripture outside of Genesis speaks of literal days when the days are numbered.  Each day is introduced with the phrase "evening and morning" which in any other section of Scripture describes literal 24 hour days.

Moses in describing the Sabbath Day observance in Exodus, speaks of the fact that God created the earth and its inhabitants in six days and rested on the seventh day.  So Moses commands Israel to keep the 24 hour Sabbath Day. (Exodus 20:11.)
Brown, Driver and Briggs Hebrew Lexicon, a work that was the best Hebrew dictionary for 100 years , gives Genesis One and Exodus 20:11 as examples where the Hebrew word for  "day" is used literally.

How Could You Have 24 Hour Days When the Moon and Sun Were Not Functioning on Earth Unitl the Fourth Day?

Simple.  The fourth day did not make the days 24 hours, but measured  them as already literal 24-hour days.

Doesn't the Lord say in II  Peter 3:9 say that "a thousand years" is like a day?
Yes, but this passage is addressing God's mercy.  A period of a thousand years is a short time for the Lord to extend mercy.  His mercy "is long-suffering to us."  However, many don't quote that Peter also wrote, "a day is like a thousand years."  Here continual unrepentant sin for a day is like the affront of a thousand years of sin!  Obviously,  this passage has nothing to do with the creative days.

How Could Adam Name All the Animals in One Day?

No offence, but I find this objection rather silly.  First God created families of kinds of animals, not all the variants we call "species" today.  For instance there was only one cat-creature, canine-creature etc.  The Museum of  Natural History states there were only 50 major types of dinosaurs.  Adam had to name the representative kinds of birds, livestock, and land animals.  It no doubt took him most of the sixth day of creation.  However, Adam's naming the animals is no real issue that the creative days are literal.

A Scientific Question for those Who Think the Creative Days Were Millions of Years

On day four God made plant life.  On day six he made living creatures and creeping things (insects)?   How could the plants on day four survive for millions of years before insects were formed to pollinate them?

So What?

God's word is plain (Proverbs 8:8:9).  We should take a passage literally when it presents itself in that light.  We must understand that all knowledge starts with certain models or truths.  As Christians, we start with the claim of the Bible itself, that it is true.  If scientific observation for the moment seems to be opposite from the Bible , we must be patient.  Historic science is not an exacting discipline. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths" (Proverbs 3, 5,6).


In the meantime have confidence that the Bible speaks plainly and is true, not the varied fallible observations of limited man.  Wait and see.  The Bible through the centuries has always demonstrated to be true--in history, science, and our comfort, strength, and peace through our Lord Jesus Christ

P.S.  Dr. Hugh Ross, a Christian astrophysicist, states that if the universe is 13.7 billion years old, it still isn't old enough to have arrived at its present form with life on this planet. In other words the present condition of the universe is miraculous!  Therefore, I have no problem believing the Lord could have created the earth in six literal days.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


In the middle of the nineteenth century Christians began thinking that the study of geology showed a very old earth.  The days of believing the earth was created in 4004 B.C. began to disappear.  When I was in seminary in the 1960's I knew of no Bible believing Seminary or undergraduale Christian college that held Genesis One to be literal.  

I was taught that the days were figurative for the acts of God's creation encompassing millions of years.  Other schools taught that Genesis 1:1 was the original creation but there was a gap of millions of years between the first verse and second verse.  In that "gap" was an old fallen world that God destroyed and Genesis one was a restoring of the past earth.

THEN CAME THE BOMBSHELL! In the 1960's Dr. Henry Morris of VIP and Dr. John Whitcomb wrote the Genesis Flood. In that they explained that most of geology could be explained by the flood, and that the earth by this catastrophe was not the millions of years claimed by popular science.

The introduction of the book was written by the head of Geology at the University of Louisianna. He stated that Morris and Whitcomb had taken all the data of geology and explained it from the standpoint of a universal flood and a young planet.  He humbly wrote that he would hope they are wrong!  Because, this would mean that  he and the universtiy had been wrong for 30 years!

In the next blog we will look at what does the Bible present as to the creative days.  If they are literal, what about science?  Are there scientific evidences that match a literal view of Genesis.

Friday, September 16, 2011



Darwin believed that transitional fossils or remains would demonstrate that evolution was true.  In his day there were shale rock with the so-called fossils of the Cambrian period.  Supposedly, the next earliest time when life was forming.  However, the fossil record showed various types of life with sophsiticated limbs and body structure, eyes, nervous and digenstive systems.  Each type was different from others and NO TRANSITIONAL FORMS. Darwin stated that he had no explanation for this, but believed that thousand of transitional forms would be found in the coming years.

150 years later with millions of fossil remains collected there are really no legitimate transitional forms.  It's not enough to cite ten or so may-be sepicimen.  Go to the fossil record.  What your find are forms with no relation to one another.  Sophisticated forms in rock earlier than so-called "primitive forms."  As Dr. Duane Gish wrote almost thirty years ago in his book, Evolution, the Fossils Say No!  That book still stands up today.

Speaking of transitional forms, I want to ask those who believe in Evolution, WHERE DID THE DINOSAURS COME FROM!   (I'm indebted to Dr. Mike Riddle and his talks for this.  You may contact their website by going to Answers in Genesis.)   Here is a  statue of an Aptosauris, the largest type dinosaurs found, reaching 150 feet long!

Where did these reptiles come from when hatched from their eggs as little tykes grew to be tons and larger then any living animal on earth.  There are no transitional forms for dinosaurs.  Why because they were created by God as a family of beings and produced "after their kind."  Genesis 1:21,24,25,26.
Do be shy!  I want your comments.  Just put in something in the comment section.  One person wrote that even though you cite the evidence people are proud and blind to seeking the truth. However, these four truths may shake up people to realize they were created by God and responsible to Him.

Ross Lyon

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


So far we''ve shown that believing in secular evolution 1.Defies the Laws of Reason, because it states that "nothing caused matter."  2.  Defies the laws of physics, because it claims blind force made  matter more complex, funcitional and even organic.  Its like claiming to blow up a junkyard and all the pieces form a Lexus!.

Evolution also 3. DEFIES THE LAWS OF HEREDITY.  Evolution claims that out a a primiltive,  "simple" cell, mutations occurred to form another type of life.  This has continued until we have the variety of life forms observed today.

The laws of heredity state that every family of life has a certain variety of expression in its genes, but always remains the same family of life.  LET'S CLEAR THIS UP!  The laws of heredity (Mendel's laws) always produce the same "kind" of being,.  This matches up with the claim of Genesis.  God created every type of plant and animal and man to produce after its kind  (Genesis 1:21, 25, 28).

WE NEED TO BE CLEAR WHAT GENESIS MEANS BY "KINDS",  Its not "species" but families of creatures.  The genetic code in any living entity has in its DNA a capacity for a variety of adaptation.  A canine can be a wolf or a Boston Terrior.  However, they are still in the dog family.  They do not become cats!

Darwin was a nineteenth century man.  He had no idea of the complexity of the cell: its organnells, it DNA, and its 14 chemical factories more sophisticated than anything man-made today!  In order for a molecule to change in the DNA chain, you would have to perform the impossible.  The possibility of that happening is like a blind man ordered to find in one try the right atom in the universe!


WHAT ABOUT MUTATIONS?  Here the idea of this mechanism making new kinds is really unscientific.
Mutations are very rare and 99% of the time are harmful.  Let's look at fruit flies.  Why fruit flies.  They don't live long and one can study numerous generations.  In fact if fruit flies lived as long as humans, we have data which would amount to 11 million years!

Mutations are rare, about 1% of 1%.  When they occur they are harmful in about 99% of the time.  Either they don't get out of the larva stage or they're born with missing eyes of wing or an extra appendage.  They can't adapt very well and don't survive well.

In the rare case they do know harm there is a slight variation.  They may have parents that are black in color and the mutated fly is brownish red.  THE POINT IS ITS STILL A FLY AND DOESN'T TURN INTO AN ANT!

Next time we will take up the fourth law:  Evolution violates the law of evidence.


Tuesday, August 30, 2011

To Believe in Evolution I Must Deny Four Basic Scientific Laws

Lately one of the presidential hopefuls stated he believed Creationism and Evolution should be taught side by side.  This brought negative comments, even from Fox News.  The candidate was accused of making a "dubious view of faith"  (creationism) as "equal to true science" (evolution).

I want to show in some very brief statements that evolution is a nineteenth century view that doesn't match up to four basic laws of science and observation.  So lets have at it, and show that belief in evolution (and it is an irrational "faith") violates basic laws or facts.  Instead, it's the Bible (creationism) that is in harmony with these basic laws.

1. Secular Evolution violates the Laws of Reason.
How did matter come about?  We know it isn't eternal, because it breaks down!.  Thee secular response is that nothing caused matter.  The irrational statement of "faith" is on par with a person experiencing a mental breakdown in a psych ward!  Nothing is simply nothing!  It is the absence of anything it doesn't do anything, or cause anything,.  It is not an "it".  It is "nothing".

How satisfying is the answer to the cause of matter from Genesis 1:1.  In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.  It is the only statement that matches what we observe!  In fact Paul states that  behind the visible (creation)  is obviously the invisible power and divinity of God.  If one doesn't recognize this he is supppressing the truth in unrighteousness  (Romans 1:18),

What really drives evolution is not its overwhelming evidence, but a grand excuse not to be responsible to a creator!  I know there are Christians who say God's method of creation was by evolution.  However, the real zeal comes for a zealous faith in Darwinism which does away with the necessity of God.  Christians do not have to surrender to evolution.  It really is inconsistent.  As a matter of fact, it is a nineteenth century concept that flies in the face of scientific observation.  I make this startling observation by the second law violated by evolution.

2. Secular Evolution violates the Laws of Physics.  Evolution claims that by random, irrational forces matter became complex, organized, and eventually the inorganic was formed into the organic (life).  This is contrary to how matter acts.  If you blow up a junk yard, matter becomes more simple.  The fragments of the explosion do not turn into a Lexus!  Yet, we are asked to believe that non intelligent force so organized that it produced the living cell.  Not so simple as Darwin wrongly believed.  It has a nucleous, organelss, 14 chemical factors more sophiscated than anything build by humnas, and DNA.  The information codes in the cells DNA are equal to a library with 25 million volumes.  Contrast that with the Library of Congress which has only 18 million books. As the Bible states the heavens and earth declare the glory of God  


Saturday, August 20, 2011


I'd like to report that so far my left eye is 50% better and my blood pressure is running about 130/74.  I met a lady at the Montrose Writers Conference  that had my treatment and is 100% in her 80's.
The injection is EXFORGE. It is not only used for macular degeneration, but in large doses for colon cancer.  Hope this is of some help fo you, if you or loved ones are developing macuar degeneration.

At the Montrose Writer's Conference I met some eighty year olds strong in the ministry!  As long as I have breath I want to serve. (But you can better do it in your own timing when retired.) So here is our agenda Lord Willling.  (We will continue to teach at our local church, serve on its board, and care for anyone who needs ministry.)
1.  In a few weeks we will be starting a broadcast on internet radio.  There will be brief explanations of the Bible form our clear teaching perspective. We will then have interviews and perhaps later on call ins.  I'll tell you more soon.
2.  We will also have a new blog website where we  post comments on many issues from a biblical standpoint.  We hope to have access to a recorded broadcast of our live one that others can download.
3.  Yes, kicking and dragging ,we will have some imput of minsitry on our Face book and twitter .  I frankly hate those contraptions.  I'm on face book only because I was given one by our 50th class reunion.  We'll make use of it though for witness and to stoke the fires of passion for Christ.  As to twitter, may be a sentence about what we're doing.
4.  We will continue to publish books.  Not only paper back, but ebook versions.  Kindle, to my mind has won the battle.  It's gone faster than what was predicted a year ago.  Even my ten year old grandaughter is getting a Kindle for her birthday. Hey, Nooks etc.are o.k.  However, like Coca Cola was first, Pepsi never caught up. Being first, Amazon has the market.  We'll see if Nook can take our books too.
E books will also help us write short works for 2.99 or .99 cents.  I would like to produce some on a practical guide on pray.  It's a daily struggle for me, and I'd like to share some insights I've received from godly people. It is also a good source to spell out many "how to" steps for a victorious Christian life as well as Gospel information and the evidence for the faith.
We are seeking to produce CD's which will be obsolete after a while.  I have one now on "EVOLUTION AND THE BIBLE."  It is execellent to give to someone who has problems believing in God or the Bible because of evolution.  It will also help those who feel they must believe in "theistic evolution."  In it I spell out that to hold to evolution you must deny the four basic laws of  reason, physics, heredity, and evidence.(My background is a BS in human biology, which included Anatomy, Physiology, Pathology, Biochemistry, Microbiology, and a trimester of thirty hours a week in human dissection.  This doesn't make me a scientist, but I can understand scientific discussion and report on it is a clear way.  I also have three earned degrees in Bible and theology to help me convey the Word of God.)
If you'd like a CD on evoolution send $3 chech/CD to
Ross Lyon,
274O Old Post Rd,, Rear
Schnecksville, PA  18078
One "health and wealth" TV "evangelist" has been raking in the loot for years.   He has several million dollar mansions and several oorperate jets.  He told one reporter when asked , "How many?"  "That's none of your business."  This scoundrel, when asked about his excessive life-style replied it was the fruit of his faith!  Yes , the faith that "there's a sucker born every minute."  Souls that are delluded by his huckster "sermons" dole out money to his "non-profit" organization.  Poor Paul!  I guess he didn't have enough faith!  He said he had learned to be content when lacking even enough food (Phil 4:13).
1. "Each one must give (to the famine relief in Jerusalem) as he has decided in his heart,not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver"(II Corinthians 9:7, ESV). Voluntary without pressure.
2. Three men were to take the offering, so that it will be collected honorably (ch. 8:20:21)  One was well known, as was Titus, Paul's assistant, and the two were messengers of their churches. (8: 22-24).
There was open accountability.  That's why I give mostly through my local church.  Where I know it is honestly and carefully accounted for in all the areas they support.  Outside the church I give to organizations that have accountability.  Independent Christian organizations such as charitiable groups, missions, schools should have accountability.  I like to see if they belong to the ECFA, the Evangelical Council of Financial Accountability.
Let's not sow sparingly but generously for the Lord.  This way you will reap boundtifully, not necessarily in material portions, but in having more effectiveness in lives and the spread of the Gospel of salvation.