Saturday, November 19, 2011


We've gone over the text of Genesis one, which I believe conveys 24-hour literal days of creation.  Are there any scientific evidences that match a normal, grammatical reading of Genesis?  There are!  In the next few blogs I am going to list them, plainly and briefly.  We'll start with the sky!

  Dr. Jason Lisle (astrophysicist) shows that the MOON drifts two feet each year from the earth. It's claimed that life appeared on the planet 3.5 billion years ago.  That couldn't happen.  If we run two feet a year back toward earth, then 3.5 billion years ago, THE MOON WOULD BE ATTACHED TO THE EARTH AND LIFE WOULD BE UNSUSTAINABLE.  However, if the earth is really a few thousand years old, there's no problem.

 The SUN has been shrinking.  Measuring the rate of that shrinkage, and going back in time to a million or so years would mean that life couldn't exist then.  However, if the earth is only a few thousand year there's no problem.

 LET'S LOOK AT OUR ATMOSPHERE.  If earth is 4.5 billion years old, there would not be  helium-4 in our atmosphere. Helium-4 dissipates rapidly.  However, as A.J. Montey-White, Ph.D. (gas kinetics, Uni. of Wales) observed, this could only be possible if our world and solar system was only a few thousand years old.  This also is true with the abundant presence of carbon 14, which only can exist for maybe 50,000 years!

THE DECAY OF OUR MAGNETIC FIELD.  Dr. Russell Humphrey (astrophycist) has measured the rate of decay of earth's magnetic field.  If the earth was 4.5 billion years old, the magnetic field would be too strong for the existence of life. However, if earth is a few thousand years old, there's no problem.  Before the Voyager Humphrey calculated the magnetic fields of Uranus, based on a 6,000 year old solar system.  Humphrey was found to be absolutely correct when Voyager passed Uranus and measured the fields.

NEXT TIME WE WILL TAKE THE TELESCOPE AND SEE MORE EVIDENCE THAT IS IN HARMONY WITH A BIBLICAL DATING OF EARTH   I'd love to have your comments. Take a few seconds and write your response to what I've reported.

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