Saturday, August 20, 2011


I'd like to report that so far my left eye is 50% better and my blood pressure is running about 130/74.  I met a lady at the Montrose Writers Conference  that had my treatment and is 100% in her 80's.
The injection is EXFORGE. It is not only used for macular degeneration, but in large doses for colon cancer.  Hope this is of some help fo you, if you or loved ones are developing macuar degeneration.

At the Montrose Writer's Conference I met some eighty year olds strong in the ministry!  As long as I have breath I want to serve. (But you can better do it in your own timing when retired.) So here is our agenda Lord Willling.  (We will continue to teach at our local church, serve on its board, and care for anyone who needs ministry.)
1.  In a few weeks we will be starting a broadcast on internet radio.  There will be brief explanations of the Bible form our clear teaching perspective. We will then have interviews and perhaps later on call ins.  I'll tell you more soon.
2.  We will also have a new blog website where we  post comments on many issues from a biblical standpoint.  We hope to have access to a recorded broadcast of our live one that others can download.
3.  Yes, kicking and dragging ,we will have some imput of minsitry on our Face book and twitter .  I frankly hate those contraptions.  I'm on face book only because I was given one by our 50th class reunion.  We'll make use of it though for witness and to stoke the fires of passion for Christ.  As to twitter, may be a sentence about what we're doing.
4.  We will continue to publish books.  Not only paper back, but ebook versions.  Kindle, to my mind has won the battle.  It's gone faster than what was predicted a year ago.  Even my ten year old grandaughter is getting a Kindle for her birthday. Hey, Nooks etc.are o.k.  However, like Coca Cola was first, Pepsi never caught up. Being first, Amazon has the market.  We'll see if Nook can take our books too.
E books will also help us write short works for 2.99 or .99 cents.  I would like to produce some on a practical guide on pray.  It's a daily struggle for me, and I'd like to share some insights I've received from godly people. It is also a good source to spell out many "how to" steps for a victorious Christian life as well as Gospel information and the evidence for the faith.
We are seeking to produce CD's which will be obsolete after a while.  I have one now on "EVOLUTION AND THE BIBLE."  It is execellent to give to someone who has problems believing in God or the Bible because of evolution.  It will also help those who feel they must believe in "theistic evolution."  In it I spell out that to hold to evolution you must deny the four basic laws of  reason, physics, heredity, and evidence.(My background is a BS in human biology, which included Anatomy, Physiology, Pathology, Biochemistry, Microbiology, and a trimester of thirty hours a week in human dissection.  This doesn't make me a scientist, but I can understand scientific discussion and report on it is a clear way.  I also have three earned degrees in Bible and theology to help me convey the Word of God.)
If you'd like a CD on evoolution send $3 chech/CD to
Ross Lyon,
274O Old Post Rd,, Rear
Schnecksville, PA  18078
One "health and wealth" TV "evangelist" has been raking in the loot for years.   He has several million dollar mansions and several oorperate jets.  He told one reporter when asked , "How many?"  "That's none of your business."  This scoundrel, when asked about his excessive life-style replied it was the fruit of his faith!  Yes , the faith that "there's a sucker born every minute."  Souls that are delluded by his huckster "sermons" dole out money to his "non-profit" organization.  Poor Paul!  I guess he didn't have enough faith!  He said he had learned to be content when lacking even enough food (Phil 4:13).
1. "Each one must give (to the famine relief in Jerusalem) as he has decided in his heart,not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver"(II Corinthians 9:7, ESV). Voluntary without pressure.
2. Three men were to take the offering, so that it will be collected honorably (ch. 8:20:21)  One was well known, as was Titus, Paul's assistant, and the two were messengers of their churches. (8: 22-24).
There was open accountability.  That's why I give mostly through my local church.  Where I know it is honestly and carefully accounted for in all the areas they support.  Outside the church I give to organizations that have accountability.  Independent Christian organizations such as charitiable groups, missions, schools should have accountability.  I like to see if they belong to the ECFA, the Evangelical Council of Financial Accountability.
Let's not sow sparingly but generously for the Lord.  This way you will reap boundtifully, not necessarily in material portions, but in having more effectiveness in lives and the spread of the Gospel of salvation.

1 comment:

  1. Your blog is well done, Ross! Congratulations on putting this all together:)
