Saturday, August 3, 2013


Dr. Torrey, 1856-1922 was an associate of D.L. Moody, ran his Bible Institute, Pastor of the Chicago Ave. Church (Now called Moody Memoriai). A great evangelist who succeeded Moody. He preached in all continents of the world, seeing results surpassing Moody and many others. Of the hundred of thousands who professed faith in Christ, 90% were still faithful after a ten year survey. His style was calm and he likened himself like a lawyer making the case for Christ’s claims on each life. He attributed his results to having received repeatedly the “baptism of the Spirit.” I do not think his terminology was entirely accurate. However, most in his day used that phrase. When I examine I Corinthians 12:13 I read that ALL are baptized in the Spirit, and He gives to everyone gifts according to His will. The baptism in the Spirit was that intial work of God in incorporating all individuals into the New Testament Church. It is that mystical work that incorporates us all into the body of Christ if we savingly repented and trusted Jesus as our Savior and Lord. AS ONE WISELY PUT IT: THERE IS ONE BAPTISM OF THE SPIRIT, BUT MANY FILLINGS! Torrey was correct! We need to have  The infilling of the Spirit to empower us to win people to Christ, to continue faithful in sorrow, and have the peace and joy God has promised for us. Today I would urge all reading this, and myself, to take in expectancy the power of the Spirit and go out in faith to serve Him and overcome all obstacles to remain faithful to Our Lord and Savior!

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