Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Were Dionosarurs and Humans Alive the Same Time?

Dinosaur Blood Found in Frozen Femur
I doubt if this dinosaur (female tyrranasaurus Rex) lived 65 million years ago!  Put a couple of raw steaks in your freezer and see how long they last!  If we believe the world was created some 6000 years or so in the past, then dinosaurs had to be alive when people lived on earth. 
I don't have hard evidence for this, but several facts do match the claim for a young earth.  
A volume written by a naturalist in about AD 1000, shows animal drawings that resemble dinosaurs.  Cave dwelling drawings also depict figure that resemble dinosaurs.
The various dragon myths may have arisen from the ancient encounter with dinasaurs.

The book of Job depicts the life of a faithful follower of God, a Gentile, who lived sometime in the era of Abraham or before.  The Lord explains that while He let Job suffer, He alone knows what He is doing, as demonstrated by the power and wisdom of His creation.  

"Behold the behemoth. which I made with you, he eats grass like an ox...he moves his tail  like a cedar...his bones are like bars of iron..." (Job 10:15).
Some of the newer translation use the word "elephant" or "hippopotamus."   Have you ever seen the "swiggely" tall of a elephant or hippopotamus?  The description in Job matches a dinosaur like an Aptosaurus!

 Here's some life-size models of an Aptosaurus.  

As of today, no human remains have been found with any dinosaur.  It may never be found.  1) I doubt any human would want in the neighborhood of an Aptosaursus! ("Honey the dinosaur stepped on the house again!") 2) Most fossils are sea creatures.  Human remains or animals including dinosaurs are within the 1% of fossil finds. We'll talk more about this when next time we will talk about the evidence of the flood.

The point that I want to make is that there is evidence that matches that the dinosaurs lived when humans existed on earth.  This matches the claims of a young earth as well.
Now we need to look at whether or not dinosaurs were on the earth!  And what happened to the dinosaurs.  (Next time's article).

Ross Lyon, D.Min.

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