Saturday, October 19, 2013



There is so much frank ignorance from the atheists and the left about this, I feel I must report the solid evidence for 2000 years of Christian scholarship.

1.      There are no original manuscripts of the N.T. because they deteriorate in much of the weather in Israel.  However, the early Christians preserved the copies of the New Testament in the best way, THEY MADE THOUSANDS OF COPIES.  Today we have 5500 copies of the N.T.  many dating  A.D. 120-140 and another 18, 000 early translations.  THERE ARE NO OTHER ANCIENT COPIES OF ANY KIND OF LITERATURE NEAR THE VOLUME OF THE  N.T.

2.      Studies of the writing of the early church Fathers, the disciples of the disciples, have been researched using the window of A.D. 70-150.  All books of the N.T. are not only quoted but quoted as authoritative, or Scripture. (86,000 citations).

3.      The  church Councils  did not arbitrarily form a canon.  It simply reported the existent of  the N.T. books already received by the churches having Apostolic  authorship or written under apostolic authority. (Mark, Luke’s writings).

4.      The Gnostics of the 2nd century reported that the Christians had FOUR GOSPELS. Other “gospels” written a few centuries later were Gnostic writings and not received by the churches.

5.      Recently, a small fragment of the Gospel of Matthew gives evidence that the N.T. may have been written in the very early years after the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus.  The letters are made after the ancient fashion as seen in manuscripts near the Dead Sea Scrolls.  This would mean that Matthew could have been written around A.D. 30-35.  ( This also is confirmed by the use of ancient names of places no longer popular into the later part of the first century.)

6.      It is probable that the N.T. was begun in A.D. 33 and finished before Paul and Peter were executed under Nero in A.D. 65. I believe that John wrote Revelation during the rule of Vespasian, around A.D. 75, see Rev. 17:10 , and my book, A Clear View of Revelation.
                                  JESUS SAID, “MY WORDS WILL NOT PASS AWAY! “ Matthew 24:35

Saturday, October 5, 2013



The National Education Association is getting its way more and more in the public schools. Here are  three sample resolutions from the 2112-2013 Convention:

1.     B.14:  Pushes programs that increase acceptance of homosexual lifestyle, regardless of parent’s views.

2.     C.25, Family planning instruction and resources should be given directly to children.

3.     E.3, Oppose parental efforts to restrict obscene and offensive books in the classroom or library.

While in some parts of the country, there are some schools operating as a sense of community under local control. This is fast disappearing.
(from an Aricle by Dr. Albert Mohler, SBS President in Answers Magazine, Oct.-Nov. 1013.

For counsel see article on line which discusses 1) Myths and Realities of Christian Schools, 2) Options for home schooling, 3) If public school is the only option.  Go to     
Pray for our public school teachers.  Make available resources, people, youth ministries,  and instruction that gives a solid basis for what we hold as we follow Jesus.    Just giving Bible stories and social spectaculars won’t cut it anymore!   ROSS