Friday, December 16, 2011


Our universe has spiral galaxies, such as our own.  The center revolves faster than the arms.  If the Universe was 13.7 billion years, than the galaxies would be tightly wrapped up.  A younger universe seems to match this

 The great amount of comets.  Comets exist for 50-100,000 years.  They are not being formed now. The great amount of comets challenges the claim that the universe is 13.7 billion years old.

 Blue stars are not being formed.  These stars exist for 100 million years.  If the universe is billions of years than we should not have any blue stars in existence.

The universe is surprisingly of uniform temperature.  Starlight could not attach to other stars in 13.7 billion years.  Scientists, who support a "big bang" view of the origins, have hypothesized that light may have reached higher speeds in the past.  This hypothesis also fits a young earth view that the presence of starlight which takes millions of years to reach our planet, may have existed in more recent years with the higher speeds of  light.

Next time we will look at evidence of the earth for a young planet.