Friday, September 16, 2011



Darwin believed that transitional fossils or remains would demonstrate that evolution was true.  In his day there were shale rock with the so-called fossils of the Cambrian period.  Supposedly, the next earliest time when life was forming.  However, the fossil record showed various types of life with sophsiticated limbs and body structure, eyes, nervous and digenstive systems.  Each type was different from others and NO TRANSITIONAL FORMS. Darwin stated that he had no explanation for this, but believed that thousand of transitional forms would be found in the coming years.

150 years later with millions of fossil remains collected there are really no legitimate transitional forms.  It's not enough to cite ten or so may-be sepicimen.  Go to the fossil record.  What your find are forms with no relation to one another.  Sophisticated forms in rock earlier than so-called "primitive forms."  As Dr. Duane Gish wrote almost thirty years ago in his book, Evolution, the Fossils Say No!  That book still stands up today.

Speaking of transitional forms, I want to ask those who believe in Evolution, WHERE DID THE DINOSAURS COME FROM!   (I'm indebted to Dr. Mike Riddle and his talks for this.  You may contact their website by going to Answers in Genesis.)   Here is a  statue of an Aptosauris, the largest type dinosaurs found, reaching 150 feet long!

Where did these reptiles come from when hatched from their eggs as little tykes grew to be tons and larger then any living animal on earth.  There are no transitional forms for dinosaurs.  Why because they were created by God as a family of beings and produced "after their kind."  Genesis 1:21,24,25,26.
Do be shy!  I want your comments.  Just put in something in the comment section.  One person wrote that even though you cite the evidence people are proud and blind to seeking the truth. However, these four truths may shake up people to realize they were created by God and responsible to Him.

Ross Lyon

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


So far we''ve shown that believing in secular evolution 1.Defies the Laws of Reason, because it states that "nothing caused matter."  2.  Defies the laws of physics, because it claims blind force made  matter more complex, funcitional and even organic.  Its like claiming to blow up a junkyard and all the pieces form a Lexus!.

Evolution also 3. DEFIES THE LAWS OF HEREDITY.  Evolution claims that out a a primiltive,  "simple" cell, mutations occurred to form another type of life.  This has continued until we have the variety of life forms observed today.

The laws of heredity state that every family of life has a certain variety of expression in its genes, but always remains the same family of life.  LET'S CLEAR THIS UP!  The laws of heredity (Mendel's laws) always produce the same "kind" of being,.  This matches up with the claim of Genesis.  God created every type of plant and animal and man to produce after its kind  (Genesis 1:21, 25, 28).

WE NEED TO BE CLEAR WHAT GENESIS MEANS BY "KINDS",  Its not "species" but families of creatures.  The genetic code in any living entity has in its DNA a capacity for a variety of adaptation.  A canine can be a wolf or a Boston Terrior.  However, they are still in the dog family.  They do not become cats!

Darwin was a nineteenth century man.  He had no idea of the complexity of the cell: its organnells, it DNA, and its 14 chemical factories more sophisticated than anything man-made today!  In order for a molecule to change in the DNA chain, you would have to perform the impossible.  The possibility of that happening is like a blind man ordered to find in one try the right atom in the universe!


WHAT ABOUT MUTATIONS?  Here the idea of this mechanism making new kinds is really unscientific.
Mutations are very rare and 99% of the time are harmful.  Let's look at fruit flies.  Why fruit flies.  They don't live long and one can study numerous generations.  In fact if fruit flies lived as long as humans, we have data which would amount to 11 million years!

Mutations are rare, about 1% of 1%.  When they occur they are harmful in about 99% of the time.  Either they don't get out of the larva stage or they're born with missing eyes of wing or an extra appendage.  They can't adapt very well and don't survive well.

In the rare case they do know harm there is a slight variation.  They may have parents that are black in color and the mutated fly is brownish red.  THE POINT IS ITS STILL A FLY AND DOESN'T TURN INTO AN ANT!

Next time we will take up the fourth law:  Evolution violates the law of evidence.